Pericardiotomy and left atrial appendage ligation

The left pillow is inflated to angle the patient on the right decubitus of approximately 30°. The left thorax is then entered during single right-lung ventilation. Three ports are placed after a 12–mm incision at the level of marked points. In order to pressurize the pleural space and the intra-pericardial space, CO2 insufflation is started (3 to 5 liters/minute) and a rigid video-thoracoscopic (VTS) camera is inserted. The pericardium is opened 2 cm above (or under) and parallel to the phrenic nerve, and stay sutures are placed for better exposure. The diameter of the LAA base is measured with the dedicated probe and the LAA is encircled with a 3/0 Polypropylene loop at its base, in order to stabilize the thrombus.